Monday, 30 September 2013

Lindy's Rox are now Kyabram Fauna Park

Hi Everyone
Some of my Rock art is now at the Kyabram Fauna Park in Victoria
I'm super Excited and want to say a Big Thank you to the Manger that has made a space for my rocks and is giving me a go :)

Possum Rock "Bright Eyes"

This Australia Ring Tail possum "Bright Eyes "was done for my uncle birthday He loved it so made me extra happy :)

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Painted Rock Emu "Proud Dad"

Beautiful Male Emu Nesting his baby chicks .The female emu only lays the eggs then the Male hatches them and looks after them if the female goes near the chicks before they are 1 year she will kill her own Baby's I have done this Rock up to take to the Kybram Fauna Park in Victoria to try and sell it It will be $30:)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Hand painted Agate Necklace "Suzi"

This is a special Brown Agate Gem Stone Necklace I did for my Aunty Maree and this is her beautiful much loved dog Suzi  I showed her and  she loves it
I love doing pet portrait they are so special to me
It's so nice to have a memorial always of your much loved Pets :)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Sleeper Cutter "I Love My Dad"

This painting is very special It was done for Fathers Day and it's of my dad he was a Sleeper Cutter in Mathoura NSW I'm very proud of everything thing he does .He is a very hard work always providing for his family .I have grown very close to my Dad in the last 3 years and cherish every minute with him Love You Dad xx I hope Everyone had awesome Fathers Day :)